I don’t charge enough…

I was talking with a woman on the phone today who was inquiring about my services and charges. She needs a treadmill moved from one room to another on the same floor, about 15 feet away, and a general maintenance/tune-up as well. I told her I can take care of both and then she started telling me about the company where she had bought her treadmill (which shall remain nameless).

She had called them first and they wanted $395 to move, and then an additional $595 for the general maintenance! Holy crap! I’m totally floored by these numbers. Roughly $1000 to move a treadmill down a small hallway and general maintenance, and 2 crews to do it. I still can’t believe it, and she’s ecstatic that I’m saving her over $700 and that I can do it without 4 people.

Treadmill shut down by a basketball?

I wish I had taken a picture of this, but I didn’t get one. My client today had called last week regarding his Life Fitness 4000 treadmill not working anymore. It powered up, lights were working, and I could hear a slight motor hum when I hit the Start button, however, the belt didn’t move. I tried to push the belt with my feet and it was jammed. Well, I proceeded to take the motor cover off and jammed inside was a little basketball from one of those arcade type games where you shoot as many basketballs as you can in a minute. The kids were in the room a while back for a Halloween party and they must have put the treadmill an incline at a very high speed, and it got sucked into the motor compartment, bursting the ball. We laughed and he said he was wondering what had happened to the 3rd basketball. Sometimes it’s not always an issue with the treadmill itself.